"What do I love about Simon and The Sauerkraut Company? In a word, Everything! I love the excellent customer care, I love the taste of all their products, I love that they use glass jars when so many other companies use non-recyclable plastic packaging, and I love receiving my orders safely, delivered in the post.
Well done everyone at The Sauerkraut Company - and thank you for keeping our guts healthy!"
Kaye Osborne
Registered Nutritional Therapist
every day is a special day
Every day scientists are discovering more about tiny bacteria. Recent studies are fascinating, showing the relationship between our bodies and the complex world of bacteria that live in and around us all.
A balanced gut microbiome is more important than most people realise, but this can be achieved through a varied diet and a good ratio of rest and exercise. Where possible minimising stress levels is also a good idea!
All our products are unpasteurised and teeming with friendly bacteria, which we call the 'good guys'. The 'good guys' are truly amazing, living, breathing and very active!
So, here's what we do.....
We take the best freshest juiciest vegetables and finely shred them, we then apply the magic as we work and manipulate the ingredients, skillfully adding just the right amount of Himalayan Pink Salt to the mix. The Himalayan Salt (always under 1% of total weight) draws-out the vegetable juices and protects the product in its initial stages. After only a matter of hours, Trillions of Lacto-Bacteria (Lactobacillus- AKA 'The Good Guys') start to form colonies (CFU) and begin chomping away at the natural vegetable sugars. As a bi-product of all this chomping, the Lactobacillus-Bacteria produce a very handy acid called Lacto-Acid, it is the resulting Lacto-Acid that becomes the natural long term preservative for all our products. Given the correct storage conditions, Lacto-Acid will protect our products for months and months and months.
Portion sizes, 30g - 50g of Unpasteurised Lacto-Fermented Sauerkraut & Kimchi-Kraut per serving with each meal daily! No magical cure, simply nature at its most awesome. Be wise, consume unpasteurised fermented vegetables every day!

Hi, I'm Simon Arnold, founder of Arnold's Condiments and The Sauerkraut Company, based here in Petworth West Sussex.
Having lived & worked in Germany for 30 years, I experienced first-hand from the people around me the fine art of fermenting all kinds of wonderful fresh vegetables, the method and the art of vegetable fermentation soon became my passion.
Making naturally fermented Lacto-Sauerkraut really struck a chord, and I love making it to this day! It’s fascinating that a basic vegetable can once correctly fermented, deliver so much more than simply just taste & texture. Years later, here in West Sussex where I grew up, I am still perfecting the art of fermenting vegetables, still loving the food we make for you to enjoy and benefit from in a really tasty way! Think about those wonderful Gut Friendly Bacteria!!
The process of fermentation is utterly fascinating, the journey began for me many years ago, back then, no one could have guessed that one day I'd grow a business here in the UK based on the fermentation process that I picked up as a side interest in Germany? I am extremely proud of what we do daily, making a difference... Our customers tell us every day what crucial difference our products make to their lives!
A Mercedes-Benz Engineer, interested in vegetables? No Engines, Gearboxes or Wiring Diagrams in sight!

“It's really simple folks, there's nothing more rewarding than eating Great Food”
- Simon Arnold -

All Ingredients
Common Sense?
Eating Good Nutritious Food Always Makes Sence, so make sure the food that powers your body is good food! Most modern-day conditions stem from incorrect eating and lack of movement!
So, unlock the power of good food, whilst remembering to exercise. A long brisk
walk daily should do it!
Hygiene and Laboratory Inspections
Hygiene is extremely important to us at The Sauerkraut Company, in all the years we have been producing our delicious products, we have maintained the Highest 5 Star Hygiene Rating. It is an important achievement that we are proud of!
Our latest inspection took place on the 24th of February 2023.
Along with the Annual Hygiene Inspections, we also submit our products for in-depth Microbiology Examination at our Local Authorities Laboratory, the latest Examination took place on 03rd March 2022, all results have been approved by the laboratory, which meets our extremely high standards.

Nutritional value of Kimchi Kraut

Nutritional value of Traditional Sauerkraut